Poke the world
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Poke the world

Do you sometimes wonder why life can feel so mundane? Today, we're diving into the exhilarating realm of trying new things, embracing the unknown, and poking the world to see what happens. Stick around to find out why and how poking the world can lead you to success and happiness.

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9 Ways To Cultivate Resilience
Josua Nel Josua Nel

9 Ways To Cultivate Resilience

Pretty much most of us can say that we have been through a major crisis or life event has hurt us deeply, broken our trust, scared us in some way shape or form. it is of the utmost importance that we learn to cope with the stresses, trials, setbacks and obstacles of everyday life if we want to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

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WABI SABI Embracing Imperfection:
Josua Nel Josua Nel

WABI SABI Embracing Imperfection:

Do you feel like we have to strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives, which generally leads to a lot of procrastination around the things we know we need to do… because deep down we know perfection is not attainable.

So then why do we live like this and how do we fix it?

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How To Sleep More Productively
Josua Nel Josua Nel

How To Sleep More Productively

Most of us don’t get enough sleep, and that affects us way more than we may think…

So the questions arise, how does sleep, or rather lack thereof affect your productivity? And what steps can we take to get better quality of sleep in order to boost our productivity…

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Money Mindset Keeping You Poor
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Money Mindset Keeping You Poor

You’ll might never be rich and here’s why… 

There’s a lot of unconscious programming that happens in our brain while we’re growing up that shapes the way we see money; and how prepared we are to become financially stable into the future, and how much we actually think about financial independence in general. 

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5 Stoic Principles For A Better Life
Josua Nel Josua Nel

5 Stoic Principles For A Better Life

Stoicism has received a resurgence in popularity in the last few decades and for good reason. Unlike some other schools of thought and philosophy, stoicism is made to be practical and easily applied to real life situations for all people in all circumstances.

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Systems Vs Goals
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Systems Vs Goals

Statistics say that by February 80% of people will have failed at their New Years resolutions, and you may have already caught yourself defaulting on some of those resolutions you have set for yourself….

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The First 20 Hours
Josua Nel Josua Nel

The First 20 Hours

Have you ever watched one of those shows where the main protagonist just seems to be super skilled in absolutely everything they attempt to do?

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Redefining productivity in the workplace
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Redefining productivity in the workplace

During this time of massive change and people having to stay at home, one thing that has changed for the better is that remote work is probably here to stay for the most part.

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Why You’ll Never Be Happy
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Why You’ll Never Be Happy

There is a lot of debate over what brings true happiness, from pursuing your passion, to achieving your goals, to having a lot of money in the bank, to marrying the perfect person; and while yes all those things are great, its not going to guarantee you true happiness…

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How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas
Josua Nel Josua Nel

How To Never Run Out Of Content Ideas

In the virtual age that we find ourselves living in today, if we are not creating and putting content out there into the world for others to find and see; our work does not really exist…

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7 Ways To Stop Procrastinating
Josua Nel Josua Nel

7 Ways To Stop Procrastinating

In this blog, I will share 7 tips on how to help you beat your procrastination habit and start doing that thing you are putting off in a way that is easy and fun to implement.

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Designing a Life
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Designing a Life

If you want to live the life you’ve always dreamed of, you know by now it’s not going to fall into your lap, yet. even setting clear goals just isn’t enough most times either, why is that?

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Ego Vs Confidence | 6 Tips for cultivating confidence
Josua Nel Josua Nel

Ego Vs Confidence | 6 Tips for cultivating confidence

Firstly let us identify what ego is?: Ego is defined as “a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance”. Confidence and ego cannot and should not coexist. We therefore need to learn to let go of our ego in order to learn how to really become confident.

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How to use your phone less
Josua Nel Josua Nel

How to use your phone less

In an age of technology it is often promoted to always be ON. On calls, on meetings on and on. It can feel like technology is ruling your life and not the other way around.

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