9 Ways To Cultivate Resilience
Josua Nel Josua Nel

9 Ways To Cultivate Resilience

Pretty much most of us can say that we have been through a major crisis or life event has hurt us deeply, broken our trust, scared us in some way shape or form. it is of the utmost importance that we learn to cope with the stresses, trials, setbacks and obstacles of everyday life if we want to live a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

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WABI SABI Embracing Imperfection:
Josua Nel Josua Nel

WABI SABI Embracing Imperfection:

Do you feel like we have to strive for perfection in every aspect of our lives, which generally leads to a lot of procrastination around the things we know we need to do… because deep down we know perfection is not attainable.

So then why do we live like this and how do we fix it?

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